hey this is a back log of our trip organised by the office of internation affiars here for us, the exchange students. same as any other trip, yup its taken up by the majority of SINGAPOREANS haha. the weather was darn good, hard tons of fun with my camera i tell u. we visited the archelogical (spelling) site of an old early east american indian preservation site. it was pretty cool, jus that the tale is sad.
The indians were the original occupants of the country, so u could say columbus bought the end of their civilization, but i dun think anyone recognize the fact of the sufferings of the Indians back them. this camp was relatively young before the yankees taken over by invading (u could see from some of the pics that the mount didnt get very high ( the height of the mount increases with the passing of a chief or improtant person)
the place was beautiful and we got to see their way of lifeand style. we later went on to see the last generation of Native Indians, the Cheerokees. They were the last batch and yeah, there are still many of them around except that most dun live in georgia anymore, they were relocated to Oklahorma state back then, when the americans decided the western half of georgia was also needed for development ( the orignally given the western half to the indians) so the entire Cheerokee population was forced on a more than several hundred miles long trek through a terrible winter to the Oklahorma state. many died along the way. sad isnt it, life?
look at more of the pics here: (posting pics in blogger is slow and tedious) http://spaces.msn.com/fuseworld/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaHandler=TWljcm9zb2Z0LlNwYWNlcy5XZWIuUGFydHMuUGhvdG9BbGJ1bS5FZGl0TW9kZUNvbnRyb2xsZXI%24&_c11_PhotoAlbum_albumid=cns!CADF30B5F97EC2C1!262&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaReturnToFull=0&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaProcess=1&_c=PhotoAlbum&_c02_owner=1
let me know if it dont work!!! good weather means more fun with the camera
this is actually a moat around the indians camp, serve as a natural form of protection
After an open air pinic, some of them took a nap, its sabo time!!!
Chief Vans' House, said to be the first proper house in Georgia, hes the most famous Cheerokee Chief in the east Indians history, yes.......they dont live in tepees as the TVs
An artistic shot of Xue Ping, haha shes my model to practice on!!!
yup, its the grandfather of toilet bowls
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