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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Champions once more!!! 9th time is just as sweet

Congrats to Man Utd, and thanks Arsenal anyway for holding them to the draw, although i have to say, wilson has his heart in his mouth during the last 20 mins........credits to 10 men chelsea, u could have nicked 3 pts to continue the fight. check out my new banner for the victory!!!! anyway wat was jose doing at the end of the match? i told aska he was the stress is getting onto him

haha, i bet keaneo's head is SUPER big liao, first season as a manager, he earned his coca cola trophy and a chance to play against fergie next season. i cant wait to see that fixture!!!

Took this 2 shots while having dinner with sherlyn at marina square's foodcourt. didnt do much PS-ing on it, tot its raw joint-up look is nice!!! once a while, sg got clear blue skies too.
i am so darn lazy, still got weekend to post but the most impt is the sweet no. 9 thanks man utd!!!

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